NYC Metro Chapter Retired Players Association Legends in collaboration with the Science and Arts Engagement New York (SAENY) and sponsor Google is pleased to invite you to join the inaugural Urban NBA Legends eSPORTS Championship and eSports Pathway to STEAM Summer Camp in New York City. All players will compete in NBA2K20. The FREE Urban NBA Legends eSports Championship will be held at Google Code Next Lab in New York City.
This eSports Tournament is a tool for bridging underrepresented African American and Latinx youth in grades 9-12 to explore educational and career opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) fields. Students who ascend in the tournament will have an opportunity to join the eSports Pathway to STEAM Summer Camp at CUNY for six (6) weeks in June thru July 2020. The summer camp is an interactive and immersion project-oriented course for engaging students in game design and development. In the summer camp, students will work in team collaborations of 3-5 to gain an understanding of game theory and practical methods and techniques.
If accepted to the eSports Tournament, you will be required to attend the eSports Pathway to STEAM Summer Camp at CUNY for six (6) weeks in June thru July 2020, if you ascend and are selected:
Students must secure their own transportation.
Announcement and Notification will be sent on April 23rd, 2020
Tournaments Dates: May 30th, 2020 & June 13th, 2020
Students interested in becoming a Player can get more information by clicking the button below:
Individuals interested in becoming a Coach can get more information by clicking the button below: